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Which His And Hers Promise Rings to you pick?

Every woman hopes to receive the most sought-after engagement ring of her life. It is the ring that is perfect and a promise to cherish forever. It isn't a matter of whether it's an engagement ring that is a solitaire or a trilogy it will bring you immense happiness. Find the perfect engagement ring to show your beloved.

Solitaire Relationship Bracelets

The custom of gifting an engagement ring to women as a symbol of love that will last forever is old. It was initiated by the Archduke Maximilian in Austria, who in 1477 presented an engagement ring that was solitaire with diamonds as a wedding promise to Mary of Burgundy.

The most popular choice is the solitaire. A diamond of high-quality in an elegant gold setting with soft lines, sinuous lines and a white color, the significance of this one gem is simple: it symbolizes the strength and importance of the bond between two people.

The Trilogy

The trilogy is a well-known and classic model that consists of three diamonds set in a stunning cut. The meaning behind the diamond is profound and romantic. In reality the three stones symbolize an infinity of a message of love: "I loved you", "I love you" and "I will always cherish you". The third meaning is romantic and is connected to the number 3 which, in this case, symbolizes love, strength and purity.

Engagement rings: eternity

The eternity rings are diamonds with a full circle. It also has a romantic significance and symbolizes an endless love as evidenced by the arrangement of stones on the setting. For this model, we can select from the classic brilliant cut diamonds, as well as more contemporary and vibrant alternatives like ruby and pink sapphires.

Where do you want to wear your engagement ring?

The promise ring is traditionally placed on the ring finger of the left hand, where the wedding ring will be placed one day. It is a romantic option, since it is believed that a tiny vein known as "vena Amoris" is found on this finger. It runs through the arm and connects directly to the heart. The engagement ring is then moved to the opposite hand for just one day - the wedding day - to allow space for a more significant and significant ring.

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О клубе

  Общество «Казахский Экспедиционный клуб» создано не с пустого места. Это многолетняя мечта единомышленников – автомобильных волков, на своем опыте познавших всю прелесть впечатлений и эмоций от увиденных красот далеких земель, покоренных дорог на своих железных конях с верными попутчиками.

    Основной целью проекта является объединение всех желающих колесить по дорогам планеты, познавая ландшафты, природу и людей за пределами Казахстана. Обмен информацией об экспедициях, путевых точках, состоянии дорог, перевалочных пунктов, о правилах прохождения таможенных и пограничных постах, паромах и мостах, особенностях подготовки и помощи в поиске новых экспедиций и попутчиков.


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