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Discover the Secrets of Motivational Marketing and How You Can Use Them to Sell More Products or Services

Motivational Marketing: How to Effectively Motivate Your Prospects to Buy Now, Buy More, and Tell Their Friends Too by Robert Imbriale


Do you want to sell more products or services? Do you want to attract more customers and increase your profits? Do you want to stand out from your competitors and create loyal fans?

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If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to learn the secrets of motivational marketing.

What is motivational marketing?

Motivational marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on the emotional needs and desires of your prospects. It's not about what you sell, but how you sell it. It's not about features and benefits, but feelings and emotions. It's not about logic and reason, but passion and emotion.

Motivational marketing is based on the idea that people buy for emotional reasons, not rational ones. People buy because they want to feel something, not because they need something. People buy because they want to solve a problem, fulfill a desire, or achieve a goal. People buy because they want to be happier, healthier, wealthier, or more successful.

Who is Robert Imbriale?

Robert Imbriale is a bestselling author, speaker, coach, and consultant who has helped thousands of entrepreneurs and businesses grow their sales and profits using motivational marketing. He is the founder and CEO of Ultimate Wealth, Inc., a company that provides training and coaching on how to use motivational marketing in any industry or niche.

Robert Imbriale is also the author of the book Motivational Marketing: How to Effectively Motivate Your Prospects to Buy Now, Buy More, and Tell Their Friends Too. In this book, he reveals his proven methods and techniques for creating powerful marketing messages that tap into the emotional triggers that motivate people to buy.

Why should you read this book?

If you want to learn how to use motivational marketing in your own business or career, then this book is for you. In this book, you will discover:

  • How to identify the emotional motivators that drive your prospects' buying decisions

  • How to use psychological principles and techniques to persuade your prospects to take action

  • How to write compelling copy that sells your products or services

  • How to create a marketing plan that works for your business and budget

  • How to use marketing tools and tactics to reach your target audience and generate more leads and sales

By reading this book, you will be able to create more effective and profitable marketing campaigns that will boost your sales and profits. You will also be able to build stronger relationships with your customers and turn them into loyal fans and advocates for your brand.

Chapter 1: The Power of Emotions

In this chapter, you will learn how emotions influence buying decisions and how to use emotional triggers in your marketing. You will also learn the six core emotional motivators that drive people to buy and how to apply them in your marketing messages.

How emotions influence buying decisions

Emotions are the driving force behind every buying decision. Emotions are what make people buy, not logic or reason. Emotions are what make people act, not facts or figures. Emotions are what make people loyal, not features or benefits.

According to neuroscientist Antonio Damasio, emotions are essential for decision making. He found that people who have damage to the part of the brain that controls emotions have difficulty making even simple choices. They can weigh the pros and cons of different options, but they can't make a final decision because they don't feel anything.

This means that if you want to influence your prospects' buying decisions, you need to appeal to their emotions, not their intellect. You need to make them feel something, not just think something. You need to connect with their hearts, not just their minds.

The six core emotional motivators

There are many emotions that can motivate people to buy, but there are six core emotional motivators that are universal and powerful. These are:

  • Fear: The emotion of avoiding pain, loss, or danger

  • Greed: The emotion of wanting more, better, or faster

  • Pride: The emotion of feeling superior, confident, or respected

  • Guilt: The emotion of feeling responsible, obligated, or remorseful

  • Love: The emotion of feeling connected, valued, or appreciated

  • Curiosity: The emotion of feeling intrigued, interested, or surprised

These six core emotional motivators can be used in any industry or niche to create powerful marketing messages that move people to action. You can use them individually or combine them for greater impact.

How to use emotional triggers in your marketing

To use emotional triggers in your marketing, you need to do three things:

  • Identify the emotional motivators that are relevant to your product or service and your target audience

  • Create a compelling headline that captures the attention and interest of your prospects by using one or more emotional triggers

  • Write a persuasive body copy that reinforces the headline and provides proof, benefits, and a call to action by using one or more emotional triggers

For example, let's say you are selling a weight loss program. Here are some possible headlines and body copy using different emotional triggers:



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Chapter 2: The Psychology of Buying

In this chapter, you will learn how people make buying decisions and how to align your marketing with the buying cycle. You will also learn the four stages of the buying cycle and how to tailor your marketing messages to each stage.

How people make buying decisions

People make buying decisions based on a combination of rational and emotional factors. Rational factors include things like price, quality, features, benefits, reviews, testimonials, guarantees, etc. Emotional factors include things like trust, credibility, rapport, urgency, scarcity, social proof, etc.

Rational factors are important, but they are not enough to persuade people to buy. People need emotional factors to justify their rational factors. People need to feel good about their buying decisions. People need to feel that they are making the right choice for themselves and their situation.

Therefore, if you want to influence your prospects' buying decisions, you need to address both their rational and emotional factors in your marketing. You need to provide them with enough information and evidence to satisfy their logical mind. You also need to provide them with enough emotion and motivation to satisfy their emotional mind.

The four stages of the buying cycle

The buying cycle is the process that people go through before they buy something. It consists of four stages: awareness, interest, desire, and action.

  • Awareness: This is when people become aware of their problem or need and start looking for a solution or an opportunity.

  • Interest: This is when people become interested in a specific solution or opportunity and start researching more about it.

  • Desire: This is when people become convinced that a specific solution or opportunity is the best one for them and start wanting it.

  • Action: This is when people take the final step and buy the solution or opportunity.

The buying cycle is not linear, but circular. People can move back and forth between different stages depending on their situation and circumstances. People can also skip or repeat stages depending on their level of awareness, interest, desire, and action.

How to align your marketing with the buying cycle

To align your marketing with the buying cycle, you need to do two things:

  • Identify which stage of the buying cycle your prospects are in

  • Create a marketing message that matches their stage of the buying cycle

To identify which stage of the buying cycle your prospects are in, you need to ask yourself some questions, such as:

  • How aware are they of their problem or need?

  • How interested are they in finding a solution or an opportunity?

  • How convinced are they that your solution or opportunity is the best one for them?

  • How ready are they to take action and buy from you?

To create a marketing message that matches their stage of the buying cycle, you need to use different types of content, such as:

  • Awareness: Use content that educates, informs, entertains, or inspires your prospects. Examples include blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, ebooks, reports, etc.

  • Interest: Use content that engages, persuades, or influences your prospects. Examples include webinars, case studies, testimonials, reviews, etc.

  • Desire: Use content that motivates, stimulates, or excites your prospects. Examples include sales pages, landing pages, offers, discounts, bonuses, etc.

  • Action: Use content that facilitates, simplifies, or accelerates your prospects' buying process. Examples include order forms, checkout pages, payment options, guarantees, etc.

By aligning your marketing with the buying cycle, you will be able to create more relevant and effective marketing messages that will move your prospects closer to buying from you.

Chapter 3: The Art of Persuasion

In this chapter, you will learn how to persuade your prospects to take action and buy from you. You will also learn the seven principles of persuasion and how to apply them in your marketing.

How to persuade your prospects to take action

Persuasion is the art of influencing someone's thoughts, feelings, or actions. Persuasion is not manipulation or coercion. Persuasion is not about forcing someone to do something they don't want to do. Persuasion is about helping someone to do something they want to do.

To persuade your prospects to take action and buy from you, you need to do three things:

  • Establish trust and credibility

  • Provide value and benefits

  • Create urgency and scarcity

Trust and credibility are the foundation of persuasion. People won't buy from you if they don't trust you or believe you. You need to show them that you are an expert in your field and that you have their best interests at heart. You can do this by using testimonials, endorsements, credentials, guarantees, etc.

fulfill their desire, or achieve their goal. You need to show them the features and benefits of your product or service and how they can improve their situation. You can do this by using headlines, subheadings, bullet points, images, etc.

Urgency and scarcity are the catalysts of persuasion. People won't buy from you if they don't feel the need or pressure to act now. You need to show them that your product or service is limited in availability or time and that they might miss out on a great opportunity if they don't act now. You can do this by using deadlines, countdowns, limited quantities, bonuses, etc.

The seven principles of persuasion

There are many techniques and strategies that you can use to persuade your prospects to take action and buy from you, but there are seven principles of persuasion that are universal and powerful. These are:

  • Reciprocity: The principle of giving before asking. People tend to return favors and feel obligated to repay debts.

  • Liking: The principle of building rapport and connection. People tend to buy from people they like and trust.

  • Social proof: The principle of following the crowd and seeking validation. People tend to do what others are doing and trust what others are saying.

  • Authority: The principle of showing expertise and credibility. People tend to listen to and follow experts and authorities.

  • Consistency: The principle of being consistent and committed. People tend to stick to their decisions and actions once they have made them.

  • Scarcity: The principle of creating urgency and fear of missing out. People tend to value things that are rare and hard to get.

  • Contrast: The principle of comparing and contrasting options. People tend to make decisions based on relative differences rather than absolute values.

These seven principles of persuasion can be used in any industry or niche to create powerful marketing messages that influence people to buy from you. You can use them individually or combine them for greater impact.

Chapter 4: The Secrets of Copywriting

In this chapter, you will learn how to write compelling copy that sells your product or service. You will also learn the four elements of effective copywriting and how to use copywriting formulas and templates.

How to write compelling copy that sells

Copywriting is the art and science of writing words that persuade people to take action. Copywriting is not about being clever or creative. Copywriting is about being clear and convincing. Copywriting is not about writing what you want to say. Copywriting is about writing what your prospects want to hear.

To write compelling copy that sells your product or service, you need to do four things:

  • Know your audience

  • Know your product

  • Know your offer

  • Know your goal

Know your audience: This is the most important step in copywriting. You need to know who you are writing for and what they want. You need to understand their problems, needs, desires, goals, fears, frustrations, objections, etc. You need to speak their language and use their words. You need to address their pain points and show them how you can help them.

Know your product: This is the second most important step in copywriting. You need to know what you are selling and why it's valuable. You need to understand the features and benefits of your product or service and how they can solve your audience's problems, fulfill their desires, or achieve their goals. You need to highlight the unique selling proposition (USP) of your product or service and how it's different from your competitors.

Know your offer: This is the third most important step in copywriting. You need to know what you are asking for and why it's irresistible. You need to understand the price and value of your product or service and how they compare with each other. You need to create a compelling offer that includes incentives, bonuses, discounts, guarantees, etc.

Know your goal: This is the fourth most important step in copywriting. You need to know what you want your audience to do and how you can make it easy for them. You need to understand the action that you want your audience to take and how you can motivate them to take it. You need to create a clear and strong call to action that tells your audience what to do, how to do it, and why to do it.

The four elements of effective copywriting

There are four elements of effective copywriting that you need to use in your marketing messages. These are:

  • Attention: This is the element that captures the attention and interest of your audience. You need to use a catchy headline, a captivating image, a shocking statistic, a provocative question, etc.

  • Interest: This is the element that keeps the attention and interest of your audience. You need to use a compelling story, a relevant fact, a surprising benefit, a curious detail, etc.

  • Desire: This is the element that creates the desire and excitement of your audience. You need to use a powerful testimonial, a convincing proof, a tempting offer, a compelling guarantee, etc.

  • Action: This is the element that triggers the action and commitment of your audience. You need to use a clear instruction, a simple button, a limited time, a strong urgency, etc.

These four elements of effective copywriting can be used in any type of marketing message, such as an email, a sales page, a landing page, an ad, etc. You can use them in any order or combination, depending on your goal and situation.

How to use copywriting formulas and templates

To make your copywriting easier and faster, you can use copywriting formulas and templates. Copywriting formulas and templates are proven structures and patterns that you can follow and fill in with your own words and information. They help you to write clear and persuasive copy without having to start from scratch.

There are many copywriting formulas and templates that you can use for different purposes and situations. Some of the most popular and effective ones are:

  • AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. This is the classic formula for writing any type of marketing message.

  • PAS: Problem, Agitate, Solve. This is the formula for writing copy that focuses on solving your audience's problem.

PPPP: Picture, Promise, Prove, Pu

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